Fight Against Climate Change - Which Solutions for Aeronautics?

Training Attestation Available
Friday, February, 21 – 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Downtown Montreal
Carbon Neutral Event Registrations:
7:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. Networking breakfast
8 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. Welcome and morning proceedings
8:15 a.m. to 9 a.m. Maturation of the Zinc-Nickel Electroplating Process for Cadmium Replacement - From TRL4 to Production. Technical conference on surface treatment and its challenges for the aerospace industry by Paul Mosser, Héroux Devtek
9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Networking Coffee Break
9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Identification of Credible Ways for a Large Canadian Final Emitter to be Carbon Neutral in Quebec. Conference by Patrick Faubert, PhD, Professor and researcher under grant, Eco-advisory Chair and UQAC's Centre de recherche sur la boréalie.
10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. What Solutions for Aeronautics? Debates and discussions. Are our Quebec aerospace companies large emitters of greenhouse gases? What solutions do they have to become carbon neutral? Are these solutions credible in the current global context? How can they be implemented?
Panelists : Patrick Faubert, PhD (UQAC); Stéfanie Rondou-Pontbriand, ing., M.Sc., Manager - Air Emissions and Appliance Noise (Air Canada); Hélène V. Gagnon, Vice President, Public Affairs and Global Communications (CAE); Isabelle Provost-Aubin, mechanical engineering student (McGill); animation : Malek Kacem (GARDN)
11:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. Closing Remarks
Overview of speakers and panelists

Maturation of the Zinc-Nickel Electroplating Process for Cadmium Replacement - From TRL4 to Production Technical Conference by Paul Mosser, P.Eng. Jr., Materials and Processes, Héroux Devtek After a bachelor's degree in materials engineering at Polytechnique Montreal, Paul Mosser joined the R&D team at Héroux Devtek to work on the implementation of the Zn-Ni project. At the end of his contract, he began a master's degree in metallurgy research at Polytechnique Montreal on continuous galvanizing for the automotive industry. He then returned to Héroux Devtek as a technical specialist in charge of shot blasting. He participates in various improvement projects, including the introduction of new masking agents, the development of an off-line robot programming solution for shot-blasting with the ATC, and continues to improve the Zn-Ni process.
Identification of Credible Ways for a Large Canadian Final Emitter to be Carbon Neutral in Quebec - Conference by Patrick Faubert, PhD, Professor and researcher under grant, Eco-advisory Chair and UQAC's Centre de recherche sur la boréalie.

Patrick Faubert is a research professor under grant, member of the Eco-advisory Chair and of the Centre de recherche sur la boréalie in the Department of Basic Sciences at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. He is a biologist and holds a Ph.D. in environmental science from the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio, Finland. His work and publications focus on the effects of climate change on biogeochemistry and soil-atmosphere gas exchange in boreal and subarctic ecosystems. Mr. Faubert also works to fight climate change through his research in industrial ecology, where residues from one industry are valorized and become the raw material for another.
What Solutions for Aeronautics? Debates and discussions Animation: Malek Kacem (GARDN)

Stéfanie Rondou-Pontbriand's expertise is put to good use at Air Canada for projects to reduce emissions from aircraft, ground operations and corporate buildings. She holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in international studies. Concerned about environmental and climate change issues, she has worked as a greenhouse gas (GHG) consultant for innovative start-ups as well as for major Canadian industrial companies.

Hélène V. Gagnon has been Vice President, Public Affairs and Global Communications at CAE since 2015. She manages CAE's reputation and strengthens relationships and communications with key internal and external stakeholders around the world, including CAE's 10,000 employees, the media, communities and governments. She chairs CAE's Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. Ms. Gagnon holds degrees in Civil Law (B.C.L.) and Common Law (LL.B.) from McGill University and a Master of Public Administration and Policy (M.Sc.) from the London School of Economics.

Isabelle Provost-Aubin is a mechanical engineering student at McGill. As a member of the McGill Rocket Team's design team, her passion for aeronautics has developed through her internships. Concerned about the environment and the damage caused to it by technological developments, she wishes to contribute to the advancement of sustainable technology.
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